Now that we are home, I find that I am missing adding to the blog. And so, I'll add pictures as I find something that interests me and hope that it interests you as well. Perhaps, if it keeps going, I'll change the title and begin anew, but for the time being I'll keep the Mexican title. I've been looking through some of the Mexican picture files and wanting to redo some and look at others more carefully. I'll include these in the blog as well as local photos.
The first picture is coming up Highway 85 from Cheyenne. Our re-introduction into Wyoming.
Below is the Cheyenne River on Highway 34 in South Dakota between Sturgis and Pierre. We were on our way to visit friends and family in South Dakota and Minnesota and pick up our cat, Minnie, who had spent the winter with our son and family. This used to be more of a landmark when we drove old, powerless automobiles, such as VWs. The Toyota pulls us right up this hill with nary a wheeze.
From our living room window, just after we returned. We've had a good blizzard, even though it's May.
And finally, another destroyed electrical outlet and decaying wall from Merida.