Monday, March 31, 2008

Two of Queretero's Museums

The Museo Arte de Queretero was another place I couldn't photograph the works and so I had to be satisfied taking pictures of the building. Fortunately, the building was satisfying.

You will need to enlarge this downspout to get the full effect of the figure. Figures with old faces were on the first level and figures with young faces were on the second.


Below were figures from a show inside and outside the museum. These faces are about six feet tall and impressive. The artist has constructed his work in clay, in bronze, and in fiberglass and some are only heads, some are full bodies and some are body parts. The artist is Javier Marin.

The next three pictures are from the City Museum. They had a variety of shows in a maze of galleries. Below is an installation that makes the most sense if you understand that the huipil is the native blouse of most of the indigineous women in Mexico. That repeated cruciform shape is the same shape as a huipil.

No, below isn't an art work. It's the men's room, which happened to be open when I passed by.

I include these odd and unorganized photos of art works (when I can) and galleries because I find art in Mexico exciting and inventive and I like to share what we are seeing that might not be on the web in any other locations.