Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Last Days in and around Merida

We are almost finished with our stay in Merida. Tomorrow we clean the apartment and then we take off for Oaxaca after turning in the last of the many library books we have read while here.

Here are a few photos from our walk downtown today.

I will think of this as a Merida happy face.

Yesterday we did take Andy to our beach at Progresso.

And then on to see the pink water at Sinanche. This time I got the blue sky and white clouds reflected in that water.

Just on the other side of the enbankment from the pink water was some yellow goo.

And here are two final pictures of the inside of the upstairs of the Olimpo Theater. It was our favorite venue for art shows, films, and entertainments. These are for Tyler from Merida.

Hasta Oaxaca, Pam